Thursday, July 7, 2011

Age of Aquarius, a Woman's Circle

Third Monthly Meeting Sun July 31st in Downtown LA at 118 Winston Yoga Studio and Gallery from 5-7:30. Age of Aquarius, a Woman's Circle  is part of a dream to bring women together in a city where competition is not only encouraged but expected for success. Age of Aquarius hopes to show that women can get together, enjoy each other's company without the drama and unnecessary non-sense. One can expect to discuss real issues women face during a time when the sacred feminine is rising and gaining strength. This group will act as a foundation for women to come to and feel at home to be the beautiful spirits that they are.

I will help host and/or facilitate this evening to gather women to discuss various topics, share stories, dance, craft, potluck, meditate, do yoga, showcase their skills and network to create a loving, empowering and supportive environment for all to thrive. Each event will be different with a different theme. All discussions and crafts, etc will be based around that theme. Every event will be free but we ask for a donation of however much you can afford to help pay for renting the space.
Please save the date. More info and details TBD. If you are interested to faciliate and/or share your expertise please contact Rose at[@] to participate, otherwise just come with an open mind, heart and vagina! Just kiddddingg :) But please all jokes aside this will be a safe and sacred circle to delve deep within the depths of our most precious parts. I look forward to what spirit brings. Please encourage your girlfriends, moms, sisters, aunties and cousins to come.

PLEASE please RSVP so I know how many of you to expect xoxo

Please like our FB page to find out about other similar events and info Age of Aquarius, a Woman's Circle FB page

Thank you!