I will help host and/or facilitate this evening to gather women to discuss various topics, share stories, dance, craft, potluck, meditate, do yoga, showcase their skills and network to create a loving, empowering and supportive environment for all to thrive. Each event will be different with a different theme. All discussions and crafts, etc will be based around that theme. Every event will be free but we ask for a donation of however much you can afford to help pay for renting the space.
Please save the date. More info and details TBD. If you are interested to faciliate and/or share your expertise please contact Rose at age.of.aquarius.circle[@]gmail.com to participate, otherwise just come with an open mind, heart and vagina! Just kiddddingg :) But please all jokes aside this will be a safe and sacred circle to delve deep within the depths of our most precious parts. I look forward to what spirit brings. Please encourage your girlfriends, moms, sisters, aunties and cousins to come.
PLEASE please RSVP so I know how many of you to expect xoxo
Please like our FB page to find out about other similar events and info Age of Aquarius, a Woman's Circle FB page
Thank you!